Hi dog, Hey cat! - 評圖時間

這是我在互動設計Exploring Interaction這6個月來的結果,老實說自己答這9學分拿得有點心虛,因為每周才1小時的會議上課,其餘應該每天要花時間做研究報告等等...但是到後來都沒勁去研究,先別說這。


Hi dog, Hey cat! from Po-Ying Chao on Vimeo.



ps  背景音樂由 米可吉他提供 有興趣或想學學吉他歡迎歡迎

Well, this is my project of Exploring Interaction at TUD. This was my first project here as well, at the beginning, I just wanted to do something to heal my homesick. Particular to my dog. Anyway, the subject was curiosity.
My design goal was "Designing something that can be interacted between owners and pets(dog & cat) while they are separated, and make owners feel caring and pets avoid to be bored. "
Additionally, I tried to put the feeling of postcard into design, such as, unexpected, surprised and simple. That was my metaphor.

The whole period was 6 months, it was quiet fun to deal with all kinds of difficulties. For me, sometimes the biggest enemy was me. I was fed up with it sometimes. However, it was a part of course to learn how to re-trigger my passion.

This project ended up with the "hide and seek" concept. The aim is to attract people to spent more time on their pet in stead of buying exorbitant food or toy for pet  to reduce guilty.

By the way, music was made by MIKO guitar studio.
