Tweenbots - 機器人要去?
在紐約人擠人的都會區,每個人都往目標的方向移動,高密度的人群中卻只有低質量的互動關係,對於如何激發人性本善的這個問題,Kacie Kinzer 製造了一台只會往前走的機器人,上頭有隻旗子寫著目的地,到底Tweenbots能否在人們的幫助下安然到達目的地。
This adorable robot "Tweenbots" was made by Kacie Kinzer, student of Tisch School of the Arts . It's pretty sad that hight density population in the mega city has less interaction between people. This robot with a destination flag can only move forward. How dos people react on it? Do they help Tweenbots to get its direction?
“One man turned the robot back in the direction from which it had just come, saying out loud to the Tweenbot, ‘You can’t go that way, it’s toward the road.’”
via : It's Nice That